Happiness doesn’t have to be big or loud. In fact, it often tiptoes in during small moments. The Happiness Project is designed to capture those moments and inspire—based on how the compact can have so much consequence. Here is an example from Frank LaRusso is the Director of Strategic Initiatives for Lavazza Group North America:
Moment of Happiness
What brings me the most happiness is sharing God’s love with my family and friends. An example of this is when my daughter Gianna and I get the opportunity every year to visit the orphan children of coffee growing families in a region of El Salvador where we get some of our coffee from at Lavazza. As Director of Strategic initiatives at Lavazza Group North America, I have the opportunity to Bring Life to Work and Work to Life.
Happiness is when you get that tingling feeling down the back of your neck, when you know you’ve positively impacted someone else. Its an expression of authentic love for another.
Remember 4th of July. You know, when you take a sparkler and connect it with another sparkler from someone else and another sparkler from someone else The light gets brighter and you forget all the negative. I know we are all created from one vine and when we make an authentic connection to someone else, happiness is the brighter light that shines from this.
To submit your moment of happiness for The Happiness Project, reach out to me at tbrower108@gmail.com.
The Secrets to Happiness at Work is available from Amazon or Barnes & Noble or Indie Bound or Target or, for bulk purchases/ volume discounts, Porch Light Book Company