Happiness doesn’t have to be big or loud. In fact, it often tiptoes in during small moments. The Happiness Project is designed to capture those moments and inspire–based on how the compact can have so much consequence. Here is an example from Daan van Rossum, the Chief Experience Officer at Dreamplex in Vietnam:
One of the things that gives me happiness is undoubtedly my family. Working in a startup, there’s always so much work to do – but it’s in moments like these, a quick photo taken at the hospital ahead of my son getting his 4-month vaccinations, that I’m reminded that they are the only thing that really matter. To me, happiness is when everything falls into place. Those (sometimes rare) moments where the day-to-day stops and everything just makes sense. This was one of those moments.

Daan van Rossum is the Chief Experience Officer at Dreamplex in Vietnam. In this role, he is responsible for researching, designing, and delivering the workplace of the future. And ensure it helps companies with their key challenge; to attract, engage and retain the best talent. Before that, he worked for marketing firm Ogilvy across their Amsterdam, New York, Chicago, Singapore, and Ho Chi Minh City offices, and ran a “Happiness Startup” called Bright.
To submit your moment of happiness, reach out to me at tbrower108@gmail.com.
The Secrets to Happiness at Work is available from Amazon or Barnes & Noble or Indie Bound or Target or, for bulk purchases/ volume discounts, Porch Light Book Company