Happiness doesn’t have to be big or loud. In fact, it often tiptoes in during small moments. The Happiness Project is designed to capture those moments and inspire—based on how the compact can have so much consequence. Here is an example from Dusty Duistemars, Global Product Owner, Technology & Innovation at JLL:
Moment of Happiness
In life, we’re regularly presented with a variety of challenges in both our work and home lives. However, I think happiness is understanding that for many of those challenges, light can be achievable at the other side of the tunnel, and thus, we can find joy in the journey. My family and I experienced that last week on our trip to Carter Caves in Kentucky. Just as my 5-year was ready to call it quits from all the walking, she would get a glimpse of something more around the next corner and her smile would immediately lighten her feet. May we all be so lucky to catch those glimpses!

To submit your moment of happiness for The Happiness Project, reach out to me at tbrower108@gmail.com.
The Secrets to Happiness at Work is available from Amazon or Barnes & Noble or Indie Bound or Target or, for bulk purchases/ volume discounts, Porch Light Book Company