Happiness doesn’t have to be big or loud. In fact, it often tiptoes in during small moments. The Happiness Project is designed to capture those moments and inspire—based on how the compact can have so much consequence. Here is an example from Robert Sundelius, Chief Operating Officer, Ascension Medical Group, Michigan Market:
Moment of Happiness
This photo is a snapshot of a FaceTime moment with my family. In a world that has experienced such separation, I find great joy in the simple moments of being together in whatever way possible. Being close to those we love and having hearts refreshed with gratitude leads to greater contentment and fulfillment. Such simple moments and yet such great gifts!
Creating Happiness
I enjoy discovering what brings others joy. Finding time to listen and learn about the joys of others has double benefit. They get to talk about what brings them happiness (making them happy) and I get to learn about something that brings joy. Making time in our day to ask others the question, “What brings you joy and makes you happy”, and then to really listen, is a wonderful way to deepen relationship, strengthen culture, and make space for ourselves and others to flourish.

Robert Sundelius is the Chief Operating Officer, Ascension Medical Group, Michigan Market.
To submit your moment of happiness for The Happiness Project, reach out to me at tbrower108@gmail.com.
The Secrets to Happiness at Work is available from Amazon or Barnes & Noble or Indie Bound or Target or, for bulk purchases/ volume discounts, Porch Light Book Company