Happiness doesn’t have to be big or loud. In fact, it often tiptoes in during small moments. The Happiness Project is designed to capture those moments and inspire–based on how the compact can have so much consequence. Here is an example from Dave Bryant, Vice President at OneWorkplace:
Moments of Happiness: Cherished Experiences
My life’s journey has taken our family us all over the country. As each location created an opportunity to explore a new area, I came to the realization that the things we acquire are not as fulfilling as adventures we share together. So several years ago we decided as a family that rather than buying things for each other, we would be intentional to have incredible experiences together. They have ranged from great family trips or creating culinary masterpieces together in the kitchen to hikes and mountain bikes or simply sharing an great bottle of wine by the fire. So, my greatest moments of happiness are savoring authentic moments with others like a recent afternoon where just my youngest son and I got to spend time on the ski slopes together while having great conversations about life.
Creating Happiness for Others
Having not lived around family while our kids were young, we like to be that resources for other couples that need a date night away by watching their kids so they can escape, or during holiday’s by inviting others into our home and make them part of our family when they can’t be with their own. A great side effect of creating happiness for others is that is also provides a great deal of happiness for us too.
My Definition of Happiness
My definition of happiness is feeling in complete harmony with people and the environment around will realizing a sense of purpose is being fulfilled in that moment.

To submit your moment of happiness, reach out to me at tbrower108@gmail.com.
The Secrets to Happiness at Work is available from Amazon or Barnes & Noble or Indie Bound or Target or, for bulk purchases/ volume discounts, Porch Light Book Company