Our daughter graduated from college and has struck out on her own–to a new city in a new state with a new job and a whole new community of friends and colleagues to build. And as much as we are thrilled for her beginnings, we will never let her go–in a good way. She is also tethered in a special way to her grandmother.

Go figure. Through the magic of social media, Nana (Lesa) reconnected with her best college friend, Babs. Through their letters, Lesa and Babs discovered they both have granddaughters graduating from college. But more, they both have granddaughters moving to new cities for new jobs–and as a matter of fact ,the granddaughters have moved to the same city.

Sometimes grandparents’ experiences can feel far away and perhaps more remote than relevant. But fast forward 55 years from Lesa and Babs’ college experience and their granddaughters have become friends–each at their own starting point–and this experience so very real. The saying is true, “The future depends on what we do in the present.”

The past always matters, and the connections we build last lifetimes–sometimes across lifetimes. This is the freedom of moving to a new city for new adventures–with a line to the past. Alex and Rachel have fresh starts tied to history. Their brand new experience is linked to the love of their grandparents and the continuity of relationships over time.

The kite soars–possible based on its tether. We wish the best to Alex and Rachel–the opportunity for them to soar.

Processed with VSCO with f2 preset

Thanks to Caleb Hernandez on Unsplash for the use of his kite photo.