Mommy, Leadership is a Process, Isn’t It?

Mommy, Leadership is a Process, Isn’t It?

Some parenting gurus suggest playing foreign language recordings for children so their brains will be wired to learn new languages more readily. Kris Downing* played leadership books on tape for her toddler son. She wasn’t doing it for brain development though. Instead, for Kris, it was all about integrating work and life. And she’s succeeded […]

The Crooked Path of Inspiration

The Crooked Path of Inspiration

Julia McAnallen* speaks three languages, she has degrees in Slavic linguistics and nuclear engineering, and she’s lived in three different countries. From Michigan to Moscow, to Madrid, and back again, her path hasn’t been straight, but it’s been inspired. Today, Julia is in a job that seems custom-made for her. What have been her lessons […]

First Among Equals: Primus Inter Pares

First Among Equals: Primus Inter Pares

Andrew McClain* is creating his own work-life fulfillment and as the VP of HR for one of the largest companies in the world, he’s also creating it for others. What makes Andrews’s story unique is all that he’s learned from living and working in lots of places – and how he leads as a result. […]

Work When it Works: The Wisdom of Working on Vacation

Work When it Works: The Wisdom of Working on Vacation

How does Cynthia Kay* define work-life integration? She doesn’t. As the founder and owner of Cynthia Kay & Co and the author of Small Business for Big Thinkers, she says work and life are all connected and there’s no separation. As a small business owner for 28 years in a highly technical field, she reinvents […]

The Problem with Work-Life Balance: Tips for Planting Trees

The Problem with Work-Life Balance: Tips for Planting Trees

Special thanks to gothamCulture for the opportunity to write this guest blog which appeared on March 3, 2015. We talk a lot about balance. Work-life balance, balancing our time, balancing our commitments, and balancing our priorities. But what if we have it all wrong, and the paradigm of balance has actually been getting in our […]

A Thousand Miles from Yellowstone to San Francisco: The Portability of Meaning

A Thousand Miles from Yellowstone to San Francisco: The Portability of Meaning

Yellowstone* and San Francisco are worlds apart (1,032 miles, to be exact), but Tom Porter** is closing the distance. His journey started when he was 20 and working as a housekeeper at Yellowstone’s Old Faithful Inn. While he won’t comment on whether or not the Inn is actually haunted (“it depends on which story you […]

Life is Fleeting: Embrace the Possibilities

Life is Fleeting: Embrace the Possibilities

Chris Cancialosi*, Managing Partner and Founder of gothamCulture, is embracing possibility in every single moment. His military service in Iraq taught him that life is fleeting and each choice matters. He lives his life with a sense of passion and urgency that are uncommon and he is the reference point for the expression the rest […]

The Gift of Time: Yada, Yada, Yada

The Gift of Time: Yada, Yada, Yada

This week, I received a gift of time. A business trip was postponed. We’d already put a lot of work into it, but it was frankly a relief that it was off the calendar for now. The effort we’ve already invested will still matter when we reschedule in April but for now, the postponement was […]

You Can Have it All, Just Not All At Once: Lessons from the Boundaries

You Can Have it All, Just Not All At Once: Lessons from the Boundaries

Jennifer* has been achieving work-life integration since before we were all talking as much about it. I met Jennifer shortly before she left a corporate job in order to go out on her own. It was a gutsy move. At a time when lots of us were focused on serving the corporate lattice, Jennifer started […]

Encore! Lessons from the Oldest Millennial

Encore! Lessons from the Oldest Millennial

Kurt Nahikian* is one of those people who says so many pithy things, that you want paper and pen handy to write them all down. His personal brand is a ‘defender of big ideas’ and he has done it all. He says that at 50-something, he is the oldest millennial. Surely he is right. Here […]